We are excited to present the Future Forward project, an European project (KA220- ADU) aimed…
“Future Forward – Empowering adult learners to use AI for everyday life and
work” is an Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in adult education (KA220-ADU).
The project wants to support educators and adult learners in achieving the basic digital skills needed to proper access and use of AI tools in daily life and work. It wants to equip educators with the needed competences for providing effective, basic training paths for adults on AI and create engaging and motivating educational resources for adults.
The Future Forward project aims to make it easier for adults to access and use ai in their daily life and work. The appropriate digital skills to use AI-based services and tools will allow adults to access opportunities and resources increasingly fundamental for social and economic development in the next decade.
In order to do that the project wants:
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We are excited to present the Future Forward project, an European project (KA220- ADU) aimed…
The project aims at supporting educators and adult learners with training, supporting materials and tools for the
achievement of basic digital skills related to AI technology, enriching the training provision of adult education institutions
concerning the use of emerging technologies.
An online environment, equipped with supporting materials and tools, necessary to implement, support, manage and assess effective training for adult learners on how to use AI tools in daily life and work.
A 5-day training course for adult educators to develop competencies for the implementation of basic training paths on AI for adult learners also using resources and materials included in the FutureForward Trainer Platform.
Use cases animations reproducing in a visual way how AI can be applied in everyday life and work contexts.
an open web-based training course for adult learners supporting the achievement of basic digital competences related to how to properly access and use AI tools.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+ -INDIRE. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Project n. 2024-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000253630
Future Forward © 2024